January 19, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Address: 10710 Frisco St, Frisco, TX 75033
This week we continue our series on the type of church we want to be in 2025. In 2025 and beyond we aim to be Christ-Exalting, Church-Equipping, and Culture-Engaging all for the glory of God. Join us this Sunday as we look at what it means for us to be a Church-Equipping church and why that means we need you!
Download The Worksheet & Bulletin*
*Notes for the upcoming sermon will be posted each Friday at 5 pm
This Week’s Set List
This Week’s Kids Min
This weekend, your kids will see Judah go into exile for their sin. After many decades of Israel rebelling against God and rejecting his blessings, God kept his word and punished his people by removing them from the Promised Land. Your kids will see the Lord’s sovereignty over all nations, his justice to punish Judah’s sin, and his faithfulness in keeping his promises. This lesson also points to God’s mercy and loyal love: even though Judah was sent into exile, God preserved David’s line, so that Jesus could one day be born to take away Israel’s sin if they turned back to the Lord.