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Compass Bible Church

This Weekend

October 13, 2024

Time: 10:00 am
Address: 10710 Frisco St, Frisco, TX 75033

In our passage this week, Jesus moves to comfort His disciples with the knowledge that though He was leaving, He would return. That return is something we still await today as we eagerly look to the fulfillment of this promise. In the meantime, John 14:1-7 provides three encouragements to the soul looking for Christ’s return. Join us Sunday at 10 AM to find out more!

Download The Worksheet & Bulletin*

*Notes for the upcoming sermon will be posted each Friday at 5 pm

This Week’s Set List

This Week’s Kids Min

This weekend, your kids will learn about how God chose David, a man after his own heart, to be the new king of Israel after Saul’s rejection. They’ll see how God values the heart over outward appearance and how he filled David with his Spirit. The lesson will point to Jesus, the perfect King of kings, who gives us new hearts and calls us to trust and serve him.